Improve GET requests through some extra parameters

When making GET request in V3 routes, you can choose what fields will come into response using the following parameters: kind, fields, include and exclude. When none of these parameters are used, NetworkAPI will return a default payload for each module. Depending on your needs, the use of these extra parameters will make your requests faster mainly if you are dealing with many objects. In addition, it is possible to obtain more information about fields that acts as a foreign keys. Look at the examples in each section to understand better.

Vip Request and Network IPv4 modules are used in the examples, consult them to obtain more information about its payload.

Kind parameter

Each module returns a default payload when none of extra parameters are used. With kind parameter you can change the default payload to some other two. Look the modules documentation for know about these payloads. kind accepts only ‘basic’ or ‘details’. In general, the payload for ‘basic’ contains little information while ‘details’ contains so much data.

Suppose that you want to get the basic payload in Vip Request. Use this:


Fields parameter

The fields parameter is used when you want to get only the fields that you specify.

Suppose that you want only id and name fields in Vip Request. Use this:


Include parameter

The include parameter is used to append some field which is not contained on the default payload. Do not use this together fields.

Suppose that you want to get the default payload plus ‘dscp’ and ‘equipments’ fields in Vip Request. Use this:


Exclude parameter

The exclude parameter is used to remove some field of the default payload. Do not use this together fields.

Suppose that you want to get the default payload except ‘ipv4’ and ‘ipv6’ fields in Vip Request. Use this:


Using Include and Exclude together

Suppose that you want to get the default payload except ‘ipv4’ field and plus ‘dscp’ field in Vip Request. Use this:


Using Kind and Include together

Suppose that you want to get the basic payload plus ‘dscp’ field in Vip Request. Use this:


Using Kind and Exclude together

Suppose that you want to get the details payload except ‘ipv4’ field in Vip Request. Use this:


Using Kind, Include and Exclude together

Suppose that you want to get the basic payload plus ‘dscp’ field and except ‘ipv4’ field in Vip Request. Use this:


Getting more information from fields that acts as a foreign key

Through fields and include parameters, you can obtain more information for fields that acts as a foreign key. If you are dealing with such a field, you can through this ‘descend or rise’ like a tree.

For a simple example, suppose that you make a GET Request for Network IPv4 module to get only vlan field. You certainly would use this:


Doing the above, you will get only the identifier of the Vlan. But you want not only the identifier, but also the name of the Vlan. Instead of create a new request for Vlan module, you can at same Network IPv4 request obtain this information. See below how to do this:


Now, Vlan field is not anymore an integer field, but it is a dictionary with some more information as the vlan name and the identifier of environment related to this Vlan. Let’s say now you want the name of this Environment. Again you don’t need to create a new request to Environment module, because using the same Network IPv4 request you can get this information. Look below the way to do this:


Now you have only one JSON with information from various places. In this way you can obtain lots of information in a faster way relieving Network API and reducing time for your application to get a lot of data that is related to each other.