Source code for networkapi.api_asn.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging

from _mysql_exceptions import OperationalError
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import get_model

from networkapi.api_asn.v4 import exceptions
from networkapi.models.BaseModel import BaseModel

[docs]class Asn(BaseModel): id = models.AutoField( primary_key=True, db_column='id' ) name = models.CharField( blank=False, max_length=45 ) description = models.CharField( blank=True, null=False, max_length=200 ) def _get_equipments(self): return self.asnequipment_set.all() equipments = property(_get_equipments) log = logging.getLogger('Asn') class Meta(BaseModel.Meta): db_table = u'asn' managed = True
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_pk(cls, id): """Get AS by id. :return: AS. :raise AsnNotFoundError: As not registered. :raise AsnError: Failed to search for the As. :raise OperationalError: Lock wait timeout exceeded """ try: return Asn.objects.get(id=id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: cls.log.error(u'ASN not found. pk {}'.format(id)) raise exceptions.AsnNotFoundError(id) except OperationalError: cls.log.error(u'Lock wait timeout exceeded.') raise OperationalError() except Exception: cls.log.error(u'Failure to search the ASN.') raise exceptions.AsnError(u'Failure to search the ASN.')
[docs] def create_v4(self, as_map): """Create ASN.""" = as_map.get('name') self.description = as_map.get('description')
[docs] def update_v4(self, as_map): """Update ASN.""" = as_map.get('name') self.description = as_map.get('description')
[docs] def delete_v4(self): """Delete ASN. :raise AsnAssociatedToEquipmentError: ASN cannot be deleted because it is associated to at least one equipment. """ try: if self.asnequipment_set.count() > 0: ids_equipments = [asnequipment.equipment_id for asnequipment in self.asnequipment_set.all()] ids_equipments = map(int, ids_equipments) msg = u'Cannot delete ASN {} because it is associated ' \ u'with Equipments {}.'.\ format(, ids_equipments) raise exceptions.AsnAssociatedToEquipmentError( msg ) super(Asn, self).delete() except exceptions.AsnAssociatedToEquipmentError, e: self.log.error(e) raise exceptions.AsnAssociatedToEquipmentError(e.detail) except Exception, e: self.log.error(e) raise exceptions.AsnErrorV4(e)
[docs]class AsnEquipment(BaseModel): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, db_column='id') asn = models.ForeignKey( 'api_asn.Asn', db_column='id_asn', blank=True, null=True ) equipment = models.ForeignKey( 'equipamento.Equipamento', db_column='id_equipment', blank=True, null=True ) log = logging.getLogger('AsnEquipment') class Meta(BaseModel.Meta): db_table = u'asn_equipment' managed = True
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_pk(cls, id): """Get AsnEquipment by id. :return: AsnEquipment. :raise AsnEquipmentNotFoundError: AsnEquipment not registered. :raise AsnEquipmentError: Failed to search for the AsnEquipment. :raise OperationalError: Lock wait timeout exceeded """ try: return AsnEquipment.objects.get(id=id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: cls.log.error(u'AsnEquipment not found. pk {}'.format(id)) raise exceptions.AsnEquipmentNotFoundError(id) except OperationalError: cls.log.error(u'Lock wait timeout exceeded.') raise OperationalError() except Exception: cls.log.error(u'Failure to search the AS.') raise exceptions.AsnEquipmentError(u'Failure to search the AS.')
[docs] def create_v4(self, as_equipment): """Create AsnEquipment relationship.""" equipment = get_model('equipamento', 'Equipamento') = equipment().get_by_pk( as_equipment.get('equipment')) self.asn = Asn().get_by_pk(as_equipment.get('asn'))
[docs] def delete_v4(self): """Delete AsnEquipment relationship.""" super(AsnEquipment, self).delete()