Source code for networkapi.models.models_signal_receiver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import logging
import re

from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from networkapi.eventlog.models import AuditRequest
from networkapi.eventlog.models import EventLog
from networkapi.eventlog.models import EventLogQueue
from networkapi.settings import LOG_QUEUE
from networkapi.util import signals_helper as m2m_audit

MODEL_LIST = set()
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_cache_key_for_instance(instance, cache_prefix='networkapi_event_log'): return '%s:%s:%s' % (cache_prefix, instance.__class__.__name__,
[docs]def get_value(obj, attr): """ Returns the value of an attribute. First it tries to return the unicode value. """ if hasattr(obj, attr): try: value = getattr(obj, attr).__unicode__() return {'id': getattr(obj, attr).id, 'value': value} except: value = getattr(obj, attr) if hasattr(value, 'all'): return [v.__unicode__() for v in value.all()] else: return value else: return None
[docs]def to_dict(obj): if obj is None: return {} if isinstance(obj, dict): return dict.copy() state = {} for key in obj._meta.get_all_field_names(): state[key] = get_value(obj, key) return state
[docs]def dict_diff(old, new): keys = set(old.keys() + new.keys()) diff = {} for key in keys: old_value = old.get(key, None) new_value = new.get(key, None) if old_value != new_value: try: if re.match(key, 'password'): old_value = 'xxxxxxxx' new_value = '*' * len(new.get(key)) elif re.match(key, 'pwd'): old_value = 'xxxxxxxx' new_value = '*' * len(new.get(key)) elif re.match(key, 'enable_pass'): old_value = 'xxxxxxxx' new_value = '*' * len(new.get(key)) except: pass diff[key] = (old_value, new_value) # if diff: # LOG.debug("dict_diff: %s" % diff) return diff
[docs]def format_value(v): if isinstance(v, basestring): return u"'%s'" % v return unicode(v)
[docs]def save_audit(instance, operation, kwargs={}): """ Saves the audit. However, the variable persist_audit controls if the audit should be really saved to the database or not. This variable is only affected in a change operation. If no change is detected than it is setted to False. Keyword arguments: instance -- instance operation -- operation type (add, change, delete) kwargs -- kwargs dict sent from m2m signal """ m2m_change = kwargs.get('m2m_change', False) event = dict() action = None try: persist_audit = True new_state = to_dict(instance) old_state = {} try: if operation == EventLog.CHANGE and if not m2m_change: old_state = to_dict( instance.__class__.objects.get( else: # m2m change LOG.debug('m2m change detected') new_state = kwargs.get('new_state', {}) old_state = kwargs.get('old_state', {}) except: pass if m2m_change: # m2m_change returns a list of changes changed_fields = m2m_audit.m2m_dict_diff(old_state, new_state) else: changed_fields = dict_diff(old_state, new_state) ######################## # CHANGE OPERATION ######################## if operation == EventLog.CHANGE: action = 'Alterar' # is there any change? if not changed_fields: persist_audit = False if m2m_change: descriptions = [] for changed_field in changed_fields: description = u'\n'.join([u'%s %s: %s %s %s %s' % ( _('field'), k, _('was changed from'), format_value(v[0]), _('to'), format_value(v[1]), ) for k, v in changed_field.items()]) descriptions.append(description) else: description = u'\n'.join([u'%s %s: %s %s %s %s' % ( _('field'), k, _('was changed from'), format_value(v[0]), _('to'), format_value(v[1]), ) for k, v in changed_fields.items()]) elif operation == EventLog.DELETE: action = 'Remover' description = _('Deleted %s') % unicode(instance) elif operation == EventLog.ADD: action = 'Cadastrar' description = _('Added %s') % unicode(instance) # LOG.debug("called audit with operation=%s instance=%s persist=%s" % (operation, instance, persist_audit)) if persist_audit: if m2m_change: for description in descriptions: # obj_description = ( # instance and unicode(instance) and '')[:100] audit_request = AuditRequest.current_request(True) changed_field = changed_fields.pop(0) old_value_list = {} new_value_list = {} for field, (old_value, new_value) in changed_field.items(): old_value_list.update( {field: handle_unicode(old_value)}) new_value_list.update( {field: handle_unicode(new_value)}) event['acao'] = 'Alterar' if action is None else action event['funcionalidade'] = instance.__class__.__name__ event['parametro_anterior'] = old_value_list event['parametro_atual'] = new_value_list event['id_objeto'] = event['audit_request'] = audit_request # save the event log if audit_request: EventLog.log(audit_request.user, event) if LOG_QUEUE: EventLogQueue.log(audit_request.user, event) else: EventLog.log(None, event) if LOG_QUEUE: EventLogQueue.log(None, event) else: # obj_description = (instance and unicode(instance) and '')[:100] audit_request = AuditRequest.current_request(True) old_value_list = {} new_value_list = {} for field, (old_value, new_value) in changed_fields.items(): old_value_list.update({field: handle_unicode(old_value)}) new_value_list.update({field: handle_unicode(new_value)}) event['acao'] = 'Alterar' if action is None else action event['funcionalidade'] = instance.__class__.__name__ event['parametro_anterior'] = old_value_list event['parametro_atual'] = new_value_list event['id_objeto'] = event['audit_request'] = audit_request if audit_request: EventLog.log(audit_request.user, event) if LOG_QUEUE: EventLogQueue.log(audit_request.user, event) else: EventLog.log(None, event) if LOG_QUEUE: EventLogQueue.log(None, event) except: LOG.error(u'Error registering auditing to %s: (%s) %s', repr(instance), type(instance), getattr(instance, '__dict__', None), exc_info=True)
################### # SIGNALS # ################### # @receiver(pre_delete)
[docs]def audit_pre_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): # instance=kwargs.get('instance') from networkapi.models.BaseModel import BaseModel if (not issubclass(instance.__class__, BaseModel)): return save_audit(instance, EventLog.DELETE)
# @receiver(pre_save)
[docs]def audit_pre_save(sender, instance, **kwargs): # instance=kwargs.get('instance') from networkapi.models.BaseModel import BaseModel if (not issubclass(instance.__class__, BaseModel)): return if if m2m_audit.get_m2m_fields_for(instance): # has m2m fields? cache_key = get_cache_key_for_instance(instance) dict_ = {'old_state': {}, 'new_state': {}} dict_['old_state'] = m2m_audit.get_m2m_values_for( instance=instance) cache.set(cache_key, dict_, DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) LOG.debug( 'old_state saved in cache with key %s for m2m auditing' % cache_key) save_audit(instance, EventLog.CHANGE)
[docs]def audit_post_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): from networkapi.models.BaseModel import BaseModel if (not issubclass(instance.__class__, BaseModel)): return if created: save_audit(instance, EventLog.ADD)
[docs]def handle_unicode(s): if isinstance(s, basestring): return s.encode('utf-8') return s
# # Registra os processadores de signals post_save e post_delete # post_save.connect(networkapi_post_save) # post_delete.connect(networkapi_post_delete) ###### # pre_save.connect(audit_pre_save) # post_save.connect(audit_post_save) # pre_delete.connect(audit_pre_delete)