Creating a Rack object



Request body:

        "name": <string>,
        "number": <integer>,
        "mac_sw1": <string:mac_address>,
        "mac_sw2": <string:mac_address>,
        "mac_ilo": <string:mac_address>,
        "id_sw1": <integer:equipment_fk>,
        "id_sw2": <integer:equipment_fk>,
        "id_ilo": <integer:equipment_fk>,
        "dcroom": <integer:fabric_fk>

Request Example:

        "name": "TE01",
        "number": 2,
        "mac_sw1": "1F:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
        "mac_sw2": "2F:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
        "mac_ilo": "3F:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
        "id_sw1": 1,
        "id_sw2": 2,
        "id_ilo": 3,
        "dcroom": 16
  • dcroom - It is the fk of the Fabric.
name - It is the name of the Rack. number - It is the number of the Rack. mac_sw[1,2] - It is the mac address from each switch. id_sw[1,2] - It is the fk from each switch.

Only fields ‘name’ and ‘number’ are required.

At the end of POST request, it will be returned a json with the Rack object created.

Response Body:

    "rack": {
        "config": false,
        "create_vlan_amb": false,
        "dcroom": 16,
        "id": 10,
        "id_ilo": 3,
        "id_sw1": 1,
        "id_sw2": 2,
        "mac_ilo": "3F:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
        "mac_sw1": "1F:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
        "mac_sw2": "2F:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
        "nome": TE01,
        "numero": 2