Obtaining list of Equipments

It is possible to specify in several ways fields desired to be retrieved in Equipment module through the use of some GET parameters. You are not required to use these parameters, but depending on your needs it can make your requests faster if you are dealing with many objects and you need few fields. The following fields are available for Equipment module (hyperlinked or bold marked fields acts as foreign keys and can be expanded using __basic or __details when using fields, include or exclude GET Parameters. Hyperlinked fields points to its documentation. Some expandable fields that do not have documentation have its childs described here too because some of these childs are also expandable.):

Obtaining list of Equipments through some Optional GET Parameters



Optional GET Parameters:



  • rights_write must receive 1 if desired to obtain the equipments where at least one group to which the user logged in is related has write access.
  • environment is some environment identifier.
  • ipv4 and ipv6 are IP’s must receive some valid IP Adresss.
  • is_router must receive 1 if only router equipments are desired, 0 if only equipments that is not routers are desired.
  • name is a unique string that only one equipment has.


With environment and ipv4 GET Parameter:


Obtaining list of Equipments through id’s



where equipment_ids are the identifiers of Equipments desired to be retrieved. It can use multiple id’s separated by semicolons.

Example with Parameter IDs:

One ID:


Many IDs:


Using fields GET parameter

Through fields, you can specify desired fields.

Example with field id:


Example with fields id, name and maintenance:


Using kind GET parameter

The Equipment module also accepts the kind GET parameter. Only two values are accepted by kind: basic or details. For each value it has a set of default fields. The difference between them is that in general details contains more fields than basic, and the common fields between them are more detailed for details. For example, the field equipment_type for basic will contain only the identifier and for details will contain also the description.

Example with basic option:


Response body with basic kind:

    "equipments": [{
        "id": <integer>,
        "name": <string>

Example with details option:


Response body with details kind:

    "equipments": [{
        "id": <integer>,
        "name": <string>,
        "maintenance": <boolean>,
        "equipment_type": {
            "id": <integer>,
            "equipment_type": <string>
        "model": {
            "id": <integer>,
            "name": <string>
        "ipv4": [{
            "id": <integer>,
            "oct1": <integer>,
            "oct2": <integer>,
            "oct3": <integer>,
            "oct4": <integer>,
            "networkipv4": <integer>,
            "description": <string>
        "ipv6": [{
            "id": <integer>,
            "block1": <string>,
            "block2": <string>,
            "block3": <string>,
            "block4": <string>,
            "block5": <string>,
            "block6": <string>,
            "block7": <string>,
            "block8": <string>,
            "networkipv6": <integer>,
            "description": <string>
        "environments": [{
            "is_router": <boolean>,
            "environment": {
                "id": <integer>,
                "name": <name>
                "grupo_l3": <integer>,
                "ambiente_logico": <integer>,
                "divisao_dc": <integer>,
                "filter": <integer>,
                "acl_path": <string>,
                "ipv4_template": <string>,
                "ipv6_template": <string>,
                "link": <string>,
                "min_num_vlan_1": <integer>,
                "max_num_vlan_1": <integer>,
                "min_num_vlan_2": <integer>,
                "max_num_vlan_2": <integer>,
                "vrf": <string>,
                "default_vrf": <integer>
        "groups": [{
            "id": <integer>,
            "name": <string>

Using fields and kind together

If fields is being used together kind, only the required fields will be retrieved instead of default.

Example with details kind and id field:


Default behavior without kind and fields

If neither kind nor fields are used in request, the response body will look like this:

Response body:

    "equipments": [{
        "id": <integer>,
        "name": <string>,
        "maintenance": <boolean>,
        "equipment_type": <integer>,
        "model": <integer>